Friday, January 24, 2020

On top priority the PM-Uday scheme being implemented by DDA official.

On top priority the PM-Uday scheme being implemented by DDA official.
With the agenda of solving the problem of unauthorised colonies and other
pertaining issues the Delhi Awas Adhikar yojana, the portal has been
developed and will resolve the purpose of filling the registration of residents
and filing in application for conferment of rights in unauthorised colonies.
New Delhi:- The portal is also being developed with the intention of finalising
the boundaries by taking comments or the feedback from the residents of
welfare associations of these unauthorised colonies on the boundary maps
uploaded by the DDA.
In order to give in the facilities to the residents of unauthorised colonies there
are help desk is available throughout Delhi. Pertaining to this to provide high
end convenience there are online portals too that is available. These online
services can be availed by paying very nominal charge. Even the list of Cscs
will be shortly uploaded on the DDA’s Website.

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